Monday, December 30, 2019

Should Parents Buy Cell Phones For Their Children - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 645 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Technology Essay Level High school Tags: Cell Phone Essay Did you like this example? Have you ever thought how different was your childhood from the one that many children live and experience today? Do you still remember the joy and excitement receiving new toys,clothes or even hand-written letters brought you when you were younger?If many of these things are nothing but a distant memory living in your head for you,fear not,because you are not the only person facing various changes and lifestyles throughout the years.Our world is evolving everyday and technology develops step by step together with it.Nowdays we cant even remember how our lives were before this miracle we call technology,a miracle that was invented by the mankind and has made a significant progress in helping us accomplish tasks easier, continuing to grow and has gradually become an inseparable part and influence of our daily life and routine.It has taken over the world in a very short period and has moulded its shapes into our schedules,no matter the age of the user.A variety of gadgets are a vailable globally,such as llaptops,macbooks,tables,IPads,computers and most importantly cell phones,which are present in a big percentage of every activity we do during our day.They are extremely easy to use,accessible and adaptive,making them irrepleacable for the society.Cell phones offer many wonderful things,however a popular dilemma is often associated with it:Should younger audiences be able to get their hands on this technology gadget,since even though productive,has a negative side attached to its name?. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Should Parents Buy Cell Phones For Their Children" essay for you Create order Many parents today are confronted with the problem of deciding whether to buy a new cell phone for their children or vote against it.Most of them though find it a very good idea to purchase them since not only they fulfill their childrens needs,but they also offer them a lot of advantages.I can still remember   how happy I felt when my parents bought me my first phone,which was pretty good and expensive   for its time and also I think that we can all agree how important and reliable our phones are for us.There are many positive effets that come with them,because they help us on many fields,like school work and presentations,e-mails,fast contact with friends and family no matter where we are etc.Additionaly they are good for educational purposes,such as different videos and essays on around the world and scientific topics,online books and also present various forms of entertainment for everyone. Although cell phones provide us a much simpler life and have many benefits,they also come with tons of downsides.Parents who buy phones for their children increase risks for their health,which is why many kids today lack of good eyesight,have sleeping problems and suffer from damages in their spinal cords,obesity or mental health problems.Other negative factors of having a cell phone at a young age include behavioral problems, exposion to violence,addiction and they even trigger severe cases of ADHD. So,to sum this up,I believe that in my opinion parents should think twice before buying their children the latest phone model in the market, even though they are very benefitial.They should take in consideration their childrens age,since smaller kids tend to have more bad reactions when exposed to technology,because it may limit their creative minds,alter the parend-child relationship and also have a harmful impact in their reflecting over their action and consequences skills.In other words,whether buying a mobile phone for a child is a good idea,it all depends from the child and their personality.I think that younger kids should not receive very expensive and popular cell phones from their parents and if parents do decide the contrary,at least they should supervise their child and analyze his/her actions and behavior.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay Forever 21 Too Good to Be True - 1388 Words

Too Good To Be True? Forever 21 and its Illegal and Immoral Policies After a recent shopping spree at Forever 21, the many hours spent perusing the rakes brought continuous amazement at the low prices found on the tags. How could clothes this trendy and fashionable possibly come at such a reasonable price? This question was quickly followed by an unsettling yet painfully obvious thought. Sweatshops. To me, there was no other explanation as to how one of the world’s most popular clothing stores for young woman could provide such a marked down price to its customers. The stylish knockoffs became to me what they had always been, too good to be true. Upon returning from my long day of shopping, I decided to dig a bit deeper into this†¦show more content†¦(Wiseman). Instead of making things right, Forever 21 countersued the workers as well as the Garment Workers Center, which helped the workers file suit for defamation, and with the defense that they shouldn’t be responsible for their m anufacturing plants’ working conditions. The company was smacked down when a judge ruled that Forever 21 was in fact responsible for the poor conditions at its suppliers’ manufacturing plants. The company settled with workers for an undisclosed amount out of court. As of August 2011, Forever 21 has been sued for copyright infringement over forty times, each time by a different designer. Like their claims against sweatshop abuse, the company says that their manufacturers’ copied designs are also not their fault. As Chang told a UK newspaper, Gaurdian, â€Å"I have in the past overly trusted people and was, in turn, let down by some. Since then I have learned the difference between putting faith into people and blindly trusting them.† For most people, that would mean stopping the copyright infringement, or at least changing suppliers. Apparently, to Chang, it means continuing to â€Å"blindly trust† people to keep making him money with copied designs , and letting them take the blame when he gets sued. Chang and Forever 21 have started such uproar in the fashion world that a billShow MoreRelatedPoetry Analysis for Sunshine by Matisyahu1628 Words   |  7 PagesMany  songs  use  different  literary  devices  to  communicate  a  message  out  to  the  audience.  One of  those  songs  is  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sunshine†Ã‚  by  Matisyahu,  which  displays  symbolism,  imagery,  figures  of  speech,  tone, and  theme.  Others  might  not  enjoy  the  song  because  it  gives  mixed  signals.  Although  that  is  true,  there are  much  more  reasons  to  why  someone  would  enjoy  it.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Sunshine†Ã‚  by  Matisyahu  is  an  effective  song because  the  artist  uses  a  potpourri  of  literary  terms  to  present  his  meaning  to  the  audience. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Importance of Integrity Free Essays

Integrity is the number one quality of leadership. Integrity in leadership is expressed in terms of constancy and consistency. It is manifested in an absolute devotion to keeping one’s word. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Integrity or any similar topic only for you Order Now The glue that holds all relationships together-including the relationship between the leader and the led—is trust, and trust is based on integrity. Integrity is so important that functioning in our society would be impossible without it. We could not make even a simple purchase without a high level of confidence that the price was honest and that the change was correct. The most successful individuals and companies in America are those with reputations of high integrity among everyone they deal with. This level of integrity builds the confidence that others have in them and enables them to do more business than their competitors whose ethics may be a little shaky. Earl Nightingale once wrote, â€Å"If honesty did not exist, it would have to be invented, as it is the surest way of getting rich. † A study at Harvard University concluded that the most valuable asset that a company has is how it is known to its customers, its reputation. By the same token, your greatest personal asset is the way that you are known to your customers. It is your personal reputation for keeping your word and fulfilling your commitments. Your integrity precedes you and affects all of your interactions with other people. There are several things you can do to move you more rapidly toward becoming the kind of person that you know you are capable of becoming. The first is to decide upon my five most important values in life. Organize them in order of priority. Then I write a brief paragraph defining what each of those values means to me. A value combined with a definition becomes an organizing principle, a statement that I can use to help me make better decisions. It is a measure and standard which enables me to know how closely I am adhering to my innermost beliefs and convictions. Five of my most important values are: helping those who are less fortunate, working hard to reach my goals, being honest and truthful, working with others to get things done, and being the nicest person anyone could meet. I have always been regarded as a leader and that does not come with ease: backlash of the bullies and those who want to bring me down to get where I am will always encounter me, but because of my high integrity and honesty to do what is â€Å"right† I will not retaliate against them. I must go into others shoes, which enables me to help others in more ways than one, because their situations make me emotionally motivated to get them in a better place to be successful. Integrity is hard work, but that work is nothing but rewarding. I’m a leader and I will continue to develop to be the best leader I am to become, by living with integrity every day. How to cite Importance of Integrity, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Employment and Upper Management free essay sample

Answer the following questions, regarding the article: â€Å"Generational Diversity in the Workplace† 1. What are the generational issues Julia faces with each employee? What cultural, historic, or societal issues may influence these generational issues? Ethel is 70 years old and she has been at Everything’s Here Inc. for 20 years. She had worked in the fabric and crafts department for 18 years until it was closed due to its low revenues and she was transferred from department to department until she ended up in the electronics department. Ethel has limited know-how on how to use electronic appliances much less on how to tackle software programs used for increasing efficiency in the workplace such as inventory control program. Ethel does not seem to be ambitious and enthusiastic about her job as her ultimate goal for taking the new job is to receive health benefits under Medicare for her husband and herself. It is not possible to reach her via email and she also shuts her phone off not to be interrupted while watching TV in the evenings. Hence; Julia, the Department Manager, cannot reach her in case she is needed. Ethel should be considered as a Veteran regarding her generational status. Veterans are born approximately in between 1922-1943. They have core values as dedication to work and respect for authority. (Zemke, Raines amp; Filipczak, 2000). As Campbell suggests in her article â€Å"Generational Diversity: Tensions and Opportunities† veterans/traditionalists are people who save everything. Their motto is â€Å"Waste not, want not†, because they were born and grew up during the time of the Great Depression and World War-II. They look at their careers as a fortunate opportunity. (Campbell, Profiles in Diversity Journal, Nov-Dec 2011). Their childhoods were spent in the hard times. These tough time taught the Veterans to â€Å"believe in logic not magic and to be disciplined† (Zemke et al. 2000). Regarding these theories, we can consider Ethel as an ambitious person who is willing to get what she â€Å"deserved† after working almost 20 years. She is a dedicated soul as she does not quit working even though she has reached her 70s. In the Electronics Department, we also have Rick who is 51 and he is a sales associate. He is born in between 1946-1964 and hence he can be considered as a Baby Boomer regarding his generation. He used to work for an appliance store where he sold kitchen and laundry appliances. Rick is able to tackle the basics of how to use technology as surfing the net, checking emails and using a smart phone. However Rick stays short of responding to technical questions coming from customers. Therefore he prefers to stay in his comfort zone, the TV department, where he does his best. And when he receives a technical question he either needs to look it up online or finds Julia or Larry whom he defines as his young knowledgeable colleagues. Boomers were influenced by social events such as victories over polio and tuberculosis, Martin Luther King, easily accessible birth control, Vietnam War, founding of the National Organization for Women, establishment of the Peace Corps and as such. (Holtzman, Kruger amp; Srock, in Harvey amp; Allard, Understanding and Managing Diversity, 5th Ed. ). Boomers were raised and educated during a period of strength and stability in America’s economy. Boomers tend to be motivated by the mindset that the possibilities and opportunities are limitless. Boomers are motivated with success and they strive for strong work ethic and great determination. â€Å"They were raised by parents who had made the world better for them and who encouraged them that they too could make the world a better place. † (Bartley, Ladd amp; Morris, 2007). Regarding Rick’s generation’s social events and the trends how they were brought up, Rick can be seen as a man who could take the best out of any situation. As Rick was given the job he tried to stay in his comfort zone and tried to reveal his strengths more and avoided what he could not do. Julia’s third full-time employee is Larry who is 20 and has been working at Everything’s Here Inc. for two years, started the job right after graduating from high school. He applied the job on her parents’ complaint that he spent so much time playing video games and they wanted him out of the house. He does not seem to have a genuine motivation for the job he is doing. Even though he is responsible helping out all the customers who has questions he only prefers to help out the younger customers who he believes are more â€Å"techno-savvy†. He spends most of his hours at work checking out new video games and text messaging to his friends. He has a low level of patience toward people who has a different mindset than him. This prohibits him helping out the customers who are looking for assistance. Larry shows characteristics of Millennial Generation. He is born between 1980 and 2000. Millennials were born in to a generation where they did not feel the difficulty to learn new technological developments as they are prone and akin to learning these types of developments since they are toddlers. Millenials want to make decisions on their own and control when and how they will get their work done. They see the ability to control their work done. (Southard amp; Lewis 2004). 2. How do these generational issues affect Julia’s management of the department? The three full-time employees, Larry, Rick and Ethel in the Electronics Department are coming from different generations which results in different behavioral settings and hence challenges the Department Manager, Julia to cope with the generational spectrum. Since the three employees have different tendencies, routines and capabilities it is difficult for Julia to set a standardized plan for the all three of them. She needs to consider her employees are coming from diverse generations and their needs need to be taken care of accordingly in order to keep them motivated and also to get the best efficiency from them. We see in the article that Larry, and Ethel have different preferences on means of communication. They have specific requirements from their manager if she wants to contact them. Larry is strict about getting contacted via text messaging and he is available any time during the day. Ethel on the other hand favors being left alone after she returns home from work and shuts her phone off in order not to be interrupted while watching her TV series. Rick, when he faces a question he is not able to respond, just rings up Julia or Larry. In case he cannot reach them he looks it up on the internet which makes him spend so much time and this turns back as a negative feedback for Julia’s Department. 3. What can Julia do to improve customer service within the department? The quote below perfectly puts forth how challenging it is to manage employees coming from different generational cohorts. Leaders need to know the territory for which they are responsible and demonstrate their investment in the future. They need to trust their employees, listen well, and encourage and inspire them. Top-down leadership that does not consider the input of all employees is not going to be effective in retaining younger workers. Leaders should find ways to balance tradition and innova tion. † (Patterson, 2007) Patterson further discusses that people from different generations will have needs apart in order to achieve their professional goals. He argues that discussing the full range of human diversity and promoting ways in which diverse approaches strengthen an organization should be priorities. † (Patterson, 2007) It is also important to provide the opportunities for employees to improve their skills by giving certain trainings. In doing so, the employer could guarantee qualified and standardized attitude toward customers which reduces negative feedback. Since there are employees from 3 different generations in the Electronics Department, the Manager, Julia should consider their diverse needs and attitudes and motivations. For example she could offer a different inventory program that Ethel finds it easier to work with or also provide certain trainings for her to get acquainted with the new programs introduced. For Larry’s situation, Julia need to give incentives for him to get him more motivated and embrace his job. 4. What generalizations are made by upper management about the employees? In your opinion, are they right, or are they wrong? Be specific. In Ethel’s case, the upper management accepted her request to work for a few more years more even though the department she had worked for 18 years was closed due to low revenues. She made this request in order to receive health benefits under Medicare. Here the upper management ignored the fact that Ethel, even though well experienced in the Fabric and Crafts Department, was not qualified enough to work at the Electronics Department. The upper management at the Everything’s Here Inc. was not able to foresee the challenges both Ethel and the Electronics Department could face as her techno-illiteracy could be a problem when customers ask technology related questions. Furthermore, Ethel’s motivation is to receive the health care benefits until she retires. Therefore the upper management seems to have overlooked that she may not have the same level of enthusiasm for helping out customers who are looking for technology assistance. If we look at Rick’s case, we see that he took a job at Everything’s Here Inc. after the local appliance store that he worked for 20 years was closed. When he applied for a job at Everything’s Here Inc. , even though he did not have the required skills and experience in communication technologies, the upper management gave him a chance to give it a try. Mr. Lee commented that a person at Rick’s age could be capable of using technology. At that point Mr. Lee equalized using smart phones as being techno-savvy enough to respond each and every question coming from customers looking for assistance. The upper management underestimated the complex structure of customer support department that having basic telecommunications skills that we use in our daily lives might not be enough to assist customers and inform them on new technological developments. Our third full-time employee at Everything’s Here Inc. Electronics Department is Larry who is 20 and right after he graduated from high school he started working. Mr. Lee’s perception of Larry was that he was the ideal employee to work at the Electronics Department as he is young and he knows how to use computers. Once again the Manager, Mr. Lee, thinks just being young and being able to use computers and smart phones could be sufficient to work in the customer support area. However, Larry’s job requires more than being born in between 80s and 2000 and being an expert on text messaging. First of all, he needs to have the motivation for his job and accomplish the requirements. Larry seems to be immature for his job as he perceives text messaging with his friends is related to his job. This outcome should be of no surprise to the upper management as they thought of him the best fit for the job just looking at his age an ignoring whether he had the right education or experience, which is ironic that they hired employees at the age of 70s. 5. Have you faced similar or different exchanges in your retail shopping experience with employees of different generational cohorts? Give details to support your answer. I have taken interest in knitting recently and started exploring arts and crafts shops in my neighborhood. I often go and check out Hancock Fabrics once in a while and mostly I came across with senior women who are probably having been friends with the employees there. It is thoughtful and wise to have senior employees who could empathize with their peer customers. However even though the store is not crowded, the line at the cashier’s gets too long that you have to wait 15-20 minutes for just 3 customers in line. The other younger employees on the other side remain not doing anything because the senior customers favor and prefer asking questions to the employees who are closer to their age. I would also like to share my experience with REI. REI is a company selling outdoor clothing, footwear and gear for all seasons. They are well known for their employee satisfaction and benefits they provide. You can come across customer support employees from different generational cohorts and they are all enthusiastic and willing to help you out and want to make sure you leave the building with satisfaction. I believe REI owes this standardized successful attitude among its employees to its employee training programs. It is important for a company to receive the best feedback from its customers and it could achieve that by training their employees and initially satisfying its own employees per se. References: Bartley, S. J. , Ladd, P. G. , amp; Morris, M. (2007). Managing the Multigenerational Workplace: Answers for Managers and Trainers. CUPA-HR Journal, 58(1), 28-34. Campbell, E. A. (2011). Generational Diversity: Tensions and Opportunities. Profiles in Diversity Journal, 13(6), 66. Harvey, C. P. , Allard, M. J. (2012). Understanding and Managing Diversity. (5th Ed. ), Prentice Hall. Patterson, C. (2007). The Impact of Generational Diversity in the Workplace. Diversity Factor, 15(3), 17-22. Southard, G. , amp; Lewis, J. (2004). A Workplace That Recognizes Generational Diversity. PA Times, 27(11), 8-10. Zemke, R. , C. Raines and B. Filipczak. 2000. Generations at work: Managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers and nexters in your workplace. New York: American Management Association.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sport Psychology Essay Research Paper In our free essay sample

Sport Psychology Essay, Research Paper In our society today it seems like athleticss rule the land. Everywhere we look, there is some sort of featuring event traveling on or being televised. Almost everyone could be considered a fan of at least one athletics. Some people follow athleticss like a faith. With such an increased focal point on athleticss, the jock? s public presentations are put under a microscope. This puts more force per unit area on jocks to give a winning public presentation. No longer make jocks play for merriment, they play to win. This International Relations and Security Network? t go oning merely on the professional degree ; it is go oning on all degrees of athletics. From small conference to backyard football, the end is to win at all cost. With this addition force per unit area, jocks are looking for more and more ways to break their public presentation. We will write a custom essay sample on Sport Psychology Essay Research Paper In our or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page One such manner, which is now deriving popularity, is Sports Psychology. Though this International Relations and Security Network? t a new field, its popularity is merely get downing to take off. There is still a batch of incredulity about the cogency or worth while of the patterns used. The followers is a reappraisal of a figure of articles that outline different surveies done that show how jocks can better their public presentations. The articles were found utilizing a database hunt of PsychInfo. Keywords such as increased public presentation, psychological patterns, and athleticss were used to contract the hunt. What is Sport Psychology? Over the old ages at that place have been many different definitions offered as to what Sport Psychology is. One of the best ways to look at it is to inquire what does a psychologist make? A psychologist does a assortment of things. They provide psychological appraisal, crisis intercession, and psychological service. Just to call a few wide countries. All of these are countries that can besides be utile to an jock. A batch of the tools used by a athletics psychologist are adapted straight from clinical psychological science. Concepts such as Freud? s Psychodynamics, Caltel? s Personality Test, and The Piagetial Cognitive Theory are widely used. ( Sloubanov, 1999 ) All of these are critical tools used by a athletics psychologist to help an jock with his or her job. Sport psychological science involves fixing the head of an jock, merely as one prepares the organic structure. Sport psychological science is an emerging field in the universes of psychological science and sports. What Methods are Used? The job that an jock is facing will order what type of attack a athletics psychologist takes. Issues such as motive, self-efficacy, and depression are common in the athletic sphere. ( Miserandino, 1998, p. 287 ) Athletes can besides endure greatly from anxiousness and emphasis. ( Holm, Beckwith, Ehde, Tinius, 1995, p. 463 ) Any of these conditions can be damaging to 1s competitory ability. Techniques such as mental imagination preparation and relaxation techniques can be used to assail jobs in these countries. ( McKenzie, Howe, 1997, p. 196 ) Marianne Miserandino? s research was focused on failure, and why jocks believe that they wear? t accomplish their ends. She learned that get downing at immature age, jocks are told that failure comes from their deficiency of ability. This is called erudite weakness. ( Miserandino, 1998, p. 287 ) In her survey she approached this job by dividing her topic into two groups. One group received feedback about their shot techniques and were told that deficiency of attempt was the ground for lost shootings, non deficiency of ability. The other group received merely feedback on their techniques. After her 4-week survey was done, the group that received the positive support showed more command of the accomplishments and greater betterment than their opposite numbers. ( Miserandino, 1998 p. 286 ) Another survey besides used hoops free throws as the footing for its survey. Craig Wrisberg and Mark Anshel did this survey. It looks at the effectivity of using cognitive techniques to better public presentation of hiting free throws. ( Wrisberg, Anshel, 1989, p. 95 ) Participants in the survey were asked to hit a figure of free throws to supply a baseline for the survey. Over the following three yearss, the jocks were giving direction in between hiting Sessionss. They were introduced to mental imagination as a manner to assist with their shot. The consequences showed a important betterment in shooting per centums of the participants. ( Wrisberg, Anshel, 1989, p. 99 ) The Holm, Beckwith, Ehde, and Tinius survey besides looked at the usage of cognitive attacks to athletic public presentation. They we interested in the function of emphasis and anxiousness. College jocks were split into two groups. One group participated in day-to-day two-hour group Sessionss that introduced them to a assortment of cognitive-behavioral intercessions. These methods were discussed and practiced. The topics were besides asked to make a prep assignment outside of the group Sessionss. This went on for seven hebdomads. At the terminal of the survey, the group who went through the plan showed a important lessening in anxiousness, additions in academic public presentation, and increase in successful athletic public presentation. ( Holm et al. , 1995 ) Where is the Research Going G. Fitts opened the first lab associated with athletics psychological science in 1895. ( Sloubanov, 1999 ) Since his experiments on behaviourism and stimulus/response, there has been much advancement and many alterations. Sport has gone through a great metabolism that no 1 of that clip could of all time conceive of. Today athletics psychological science has moved from the simple experiments of the early labs to sophisticated tests and trials. Focus is now on topics as mental wellness, psychopysiological responsiveness, and organic structure image and regard. ( Gauvin, Spence, 1995, p. 436 ) The universe of sports is now a concern, and now like other concerns, is ever looking for ways to better itself. Conclusion Since sports seems to be traveling from being a interest to a manner of life for many in today? s universe, it is of import that there is a agency to better public presentation. The corporate universe has long been utilizing psychological techniques to better employee public presentation. It was merely a affair of clip before the athletic universe adopted the same patterns. Some people are disbelieving about the cogency of athletics psychological science, while others live by it. With athleticss bring forthing 100s of 1000000s of dollars each twelvemonth. It is of import that athletes do everything that they can to better the manner that they play. Sport psychological science is a valid, scientific manner for jocks to make merely that. 328

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Words That Turn on the Root Vert

Words That Turn on the Root Vert Words That Turn on the Root Vert Words That Turn on the Root Vert By Mark Nichol The Latin verb vertere, meaning â€Å"turn,† is the source of a number of English words that pertain to shifting one’s position from the status quo. The list below defines many of these terms (those with prefixes, and their various grammatical forms); a subsequent post will continue the discussion of additional words in the vertere family: those with suffixes and those with the variant root vers rather than vert. Vert is a rare verb meaning â€Å"turn in some direction,† and those four letters constitute the foundation of most words on this list. When attached to a prefix stemming from the element ad-, it yields the verb avert (from the Latin verb avertere, meaning â€Å"turn away†), which retains the sense of its etymological source (usually in the sense of prevention) and the adjective averse, meaning â€Å"disinclined,† and the noun aversion, describing a disinclination bordering on distaste or disgust. Advert, of the same Latin derivation, means â€Å"turn toward,† though this sense is rare; the word is (in British English) now more common as an abbreviation for the noun advertisement. The verb advertise originally meant â€Å"inform† or â€Å"warn†; eventually, it acquired the connotation of â€Å"call attention to goods for sale,† and the noun became likewise associated with announcements of available products. (In American English, the short form is ad, often misspelled in lay writing as add, perhaps from an erroneous association with addition.) The act of using advertisements, and the industry based on doing so, are called advertising. To â€Å"turn† something or someone so that it or him or her is in agreement with something or someone else (whether a device to be made compatible with another or a person whose beliefs are to be aligned with another’s) is to convert; the concept is called conversion. Converse, meaning â€Å"talk,† is a back-formation of conversation, which originally meant â€Å"living together† and subsequently became a euphemism for sexual intercourse; this sense slightly preceded that pertaining to speaking with someone else. Someone who speaks with others, generally in the context of complimenting the person for skill in doing so, is a conversationalist; a rare variant is conversationist. To divert is to turn away; to present multiple qualities (thus turning away from a single reference point) is to be diverse. An act of turning away is a diversion, and an act of making something more diverse, or the natural process by which this occurs, is diversification. Evert and its adjectival and noun forms, which pertain to turning out or over, are rare, but invert, meaning â€Å"reverse,† is commonly used to describe turning something upside down; the noun is inversion. Subvert has the same general meaning, with the connotation of upending what is considered standard; the adjectival form is subversive, and the noun is subversion. The verb pervert, originally an antonym for the religious sense of convert, came to mean, more broadly, â€Å"corrupt.† The word as a noun, by association, refers to someone with deviant sexual urges; perv (sometimes perve) is a slang truncation of the noun and as a verb pertains to perverted behavior. A corruption of accepted behavior or belief, meanwhile, is called a perversion; the adjectival form for the former sense, meanwhile, is perverse. The verbs extrovert and introvert mean â€Å"turn outward† and â€Å"turn inward,† respectively; each also serves as a noun describing a person with a personality consistent with the respective meaning. The adjectival forms are extroverted (alternatively, extraverted in the context of psychology) and introverted, and the action of turning outward or inward is described, respectively, as extroversion or introversion. Someone who exhibits both personality traits is an ambivert, and that state is called ambiversion. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and Toes40 Fish Idioms5 Keys to Better Sentence Flow

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for Dissertation

A Study of Health & Safety Management on Construction Sites, for construction companies within Riyadh city in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example While this may stand true for more developed nations, however, nations such as Saudi Arabia are still trying to tackle with a high construction rate coupled with a low safety assessment and enforcement methodology. Overall, there is no single governmentally sponsored safety assessment and enforcement system within Saudi Arabia for the moment. (Fullman, 1984) Though there has been a move forward by the creation of the â€Å"Saudi Building Code National Committee† but as yet work within the safety and health portfolios remains scant and as yet experimental. (Mena Report, 2006) The lack of coherent safety assessment and enforcement schemes implies that there is still much ground that needs to be covered as per the Saudi safety standards in general and construction safety standards in particular are concerned. Hence, the need for research into current safety practices arises based on the concerns noted above so as to have a baseline available before policy making on safety begins. The proposed research aims at plugging some gaps in the current research base so as to expand horizons. The other question now, is the methodology that ought to be applied in order to conduct meaningful research.