Sunday, May 17, 2020

Artificial Intelligence Essay - 1019 Words

Artificial Intelligence Introduction Today, people are interacting more and more with computers. Life is running at a microchip speed. If all computers are stopped for a day, complete civilization comes to a halt! Fifty years ago, this mightve been a science fiction, but today it is a reality. Further, with Computers being embedded in all of our life accessories like mobiles, watches, cars, even our bodies and brains there is no indication that this microchip speed will not be multiplied in the future. Over the last decade, these electronic tiny minuscule signals have fundamentally revolutionized the way we live. People are spending more hours per day with machines than humans. An amazing†¦show more content†¦Internet is converging all the specialized fields or colors of knowledge into one bright light. The avalanche of new users getting online is still growing. People from all across the planet are spending more and more hours surfing the net, especially in chat rooms, use net groups and bulletin boards. Chat Servers are the unique platform where interactivity the intelligence and interactivity of humans and machines coincides. There have been some heroic individual efforts to realize chat bots, which would talk and behave like humans. If this is any indication of peoples openness to talking and sharing emotions through and with machines, then we are seeing the tip of the emotional machine iceberg What is Artificial Intelligence? Definition... Artificial Intelligence is a branch of Science, which deals with helping machines, finds solutions to complex problems in a more human-like fashion. This generally involves borrowing characteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexible or efficient approach can be taken depending on the requirements established, which influences how artificial the intelligent behavior appears. AI is generally associated with Computer Science, but it has many important links with other fields such as Maths, Psychology,Show MoreRelatedArtificial Intelligence1237 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is artificial intelligence? Should humanity be concerned? There are many interpretations of Artificial intelligence. Merriam Webster’s online dictionary defines artificial intelligence as â€Å"A branch of computer science, dealing with the simulation of intelligent behaviour, in computers or the capability of a machine, to imitate intelligent human behaviour† (Artificial Intelligence, 1828). With technology continually progressing and embedding itself into today’s population, from Siri on iPhoneRead MoreHuman Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1545 Words   |  7 Pagesconsensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence can be based onRead MoreHuman Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence1233 Words   |  5 Pagesmentally, as this interaction was at an all-time high, we came up with intelligence. Intelligence has fascinated man since the dawn of time, and lead man to create one of the greatest innovations that rivaled human intelligence: artificial intelligence. The competition between human intelligence and artificial intelligence ultimately leads to the battle of nature and science. Eventually these two forms of intelligence, human and artificial, must coincide and it must be understood how each would interactRead MoreArtificial Intelligence And Human Intelligence3752 Words   |  16 PagesARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Name Mohammed Warsame Institutional Affiliation 26th January, 2015 â€Æ' Table of Contents Artificial Intelligence 3 Abstract 3 Project Outline 4 Introduction 5 Factors that inhibit a human from executing the rational decision 6 Soft Computing Domains Inspired by Biology 8 Soft Computing 8 Artificial Neural Network 9 Genetic Computing and Evolutionary Computing 10 Emotions and Artificial Intelligence 12 Neural Network Inheritance 12 Is there need to Inherit the Entirety of theRead MoreBenefits Of Artificial Intelligence761 Words   |  4 PagesArtificial Intelligence, more commonly referred to by its abbreviations AI, is defined as intelligence displayed by machines rather than humans. Its aptitudes include successfully recognising and comprehending human speech, computing simulations and analysing an immense amount of elaborate data. As there is limitless potential for this technology, there is a lot of research currently underway to develop AI with the ability to outperform humans at virtually every cognitive task, rather than specificRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1587 Words   |  7 PagesIntroductions Artificial Intelligence is felt almost everywhere. It is influence basically alters people’s lives, by the technology based applications that is embedded in machines that enhances people’s day to day activity. It is seen and experienced in different institutions, be it public or private, small entity and global. AI, or artificial intelligence, is the automation of human processes by means of machine learning, often done by computer systems. These processes include the acquisition ofRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence1603 Words   |  7 PagesArtificial Intelligence Introduction Artificial intelligence is the study and development of enabling computer and machine technology to learn, simulate intelligence, use logic, and perform tasks that are typically performed by humans. Artificial intelligence is an area of research that has been prone to controversy. Researchers are conflicted in regards to whether artificial intelligence is beneficial. Some believe that it will help solve many societal issues, others fear that it will cause furtherRead MoreDisadvantages Of Artificial Intelligence909 Words   |  4 Pagesconstantly changing lives easier. However, as we advance in society, controversies start up on the right and wrongs of how our mechanics or robots develop, specifically Artificial Intelligence robots. Artificial intelligence is the ability to understand how to control motion and responses based upon experience. Artificial intelligence in robots are based on human traits such as reasoning, knowledge, planning, learning, communication, perception, and movement and manipulation of objects.As of now, ourRead MoreDualism and Artificial Intelligence1235 Words   |  5 Pagestangible and can be recreated according to Turing. Turing, a physicalist, believed that artificial intelligence could be achieved in the future. Turing argued that the mind was merely due to the physical aspects of the brain and so a machine could one day be created that has a mind of its own, i.e. artificial intelligence. He created a test called the Turing Test to determine whether a machine has artificial intelligence. In the Turing Test, an interrogator asks two subjects a series of questions. 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